Pet Verses

Pet Verse 01

A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.
And these fond recollections
are treasured in the heart
to bring us always close to those
from whom we had to part.
There is a bridge of memories
from earth to Heaven above...
It keeps our dear ones near us
It's the bridge that we call love

Pet Verse 02

You will live on in my heart
my little friend so true,
and memories of you will fill my mind
until I go to you.

Pet Verse 03

Loyal, loving, faithful, brave
until my saddest day
when you went alone your lonely road
but here I had to stay  

Pet Verse 04

Our beloved ____, our faithful friend,
and your love you shared till the very end.
For __ years our family was blessed,
now it's time for you to rest.
You still live on in the hearts and minds,
of the loving family you left behind.

Pet Verse 05

A pet is such a special friend,
a friend in many ways.
Sharing love and companionship,
just looking for your praise

Pet Verse 06

Have you a dog in Heaven, Lord?
Is there room for just one more?
Cause my little dog died today;
he'll be waiting at your door.

Please take him into Heaven, Lord.
And keep him there for me,
just feed him, pet him, love him, Lord,
that’s all he'll ask of Thee.

Pet Verse 07

While you could not speak the words,
I could hear the whispers of your voice.
Telling me it was time to go,
to celebrate your life and rejoice.

You decided it was time to go and
find your resting ground.
You lay down your tired head and
went without a sound.

In my heart I know you loved me,
as much as I loved you.
I pray you've found the peace,
that's helped to see me through.

I thank you for all the joy in my life and
the smiles you've brought to me.
May God guide you on your journey and
may your spirit always run free.

Pet Verse 08

Warm light coming from far below,
Twinkling, sparkling is the candle's glow.
All is well up on the ridge,
The place we know as Rainbow Bridge.

Furbabies sleeping in heaven's light,
Tended by candles in the night.
Peaceful dreams be theirs to keep,
As they slumber in this night so deep.

Hearts on earth that miss them so,
Take comfort in the candle's glow.
Watching for them in skies above,
Bound eternally by a cord of love.

Pet Verse 09

Sunlight streams through window pane
unto a spot on the floor....
then I remember,
it's where you used to lie,
but now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet,
and muted echoes sound....
then I remember,
It's where your paws would joyously abound.
A voice is heard along the road,  
and up beyond the hill,
then I remember it can't be yours....
your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot of floor
and empty muted hall
and lay them with the absent voice
and unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials
in a blanket of my love
and keep them for my best friend
until we meet above.

Pet Verse 10

A good dog never dies, he always stays,
he walks besides you on crisp autumn days 
when frost is on the fields and winter's drawing near,
his head within our hand in his old way.

Pet Verse 11

Oh what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you homeless to my gate,
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth and food?

For from that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny,
While she, with purr and velvet paw
Became within my house the law.

She scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed,
She ruled in arrogance and pride
And broke my heart the day she died.

So if you really think, oh cat
I'd willingly relive all that,
Because you come forlorn and thin
Well don't just stand there - come on in!

Pet Verse 12

Your favorite chair is vacant now…
No eager purrs to greet me.
No softly padded paws to run
Ecstatically to meet me.

No coaxing rubs, no plaintive cry
Will say it’s time for feeding.
I’ve put away your bowl, and all
The things you won’t be needing;

But I will miss you little friend,
For I could never measure
The happiness you brought me,
The comfort and the pleasure.

And since God put you here to share
In earthly joy and sorrow;
I’m sure there’ll be a place for you
In Heaven’s bright tomorrow…

Pet Verse 13

You lived your nine lives here with me
my loyal, loving friend,
Then God took you up to Paradise
to live life number ten.

I’ll bet you’re peacefully lying
upon an angel’s lap.
Purring there, without a care
having a heavenly nap.

I’ll miss you for a little while,
but our friendship will not end.
Time will pass, and then at last
you’ll be on my lap again.

Pet Verse 14

They will not go quietly,
the cats who’ve shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think
we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them… and always will.

Pet Verse 15

Don’t cry for the horses that life has set free.
A million white horses forever to be.
Don’t cry for the horses now in God’s hand.
As they dance and they prance in a heavenly band.
They were ours as a gift, but never to keep.
As they close their eyes forever to sleep.
Their spirits unbound. On silver wings they fly.
A million white horses against the blue sky.
Look up into heaven, you’ll see them above.
The horses we lost, the horses we loved.
Manes and tails flowing they gallop through time.
They were never yours – they were never mine.
Don’t cry for the horses. They’ll be back someday.
When our time is gone, they will show us the way.
Do you hear that soft nicker? Close to your ear?
Don’t cry for the horses. Love the ones that are here.

Pet Verse 16

Again the early-morning sun was generous with its warmth.
All the sounds dear to a horseman were around me
the snort of the horses as they cleared their throats, the gentle swish of their tails,
the tinkle of irons as we flung the saddles over their backs – little sounds of no importance,
but they stay in the unconscious library of memory.

Pet Verse 17

The hooves of horses!
Oh! witching and sweet
Is the music earth steals from the iron-shod feet;
No whisper of lover, no trilling of bird,
Can stir me as much as hooves of horses
Have stirred.